Saturday, 22 February 2025


 Each day during the dig, we do a couple of quizzes saved from newspapers throughout the year. We happened upon an older quiz, from The Age in late 2022. There was a question about an Ignoble prize winning study about the effects of constipation on the mating habits of scorpion. This raised a lot of questions and became a topic of conversation for about a day. 

Pat gave Mary a scorpion in celebration.

Mary is surprised by the scorpion

Wendy gets friendly with the scorpion

Friday, 21 February 2025

Friday 21st February - last day at site


The crew gaze down at the site

Geordie finds a fossil

Astrid takes notes about the fossils and rocks

An imploded fish

Alan studies the layers

The crew heading back from site

Our permit sign looking worse for wear after 20 days

John, Alan and Tom

John, Tom, Alan and Astrid

Astrid takes notes about the hole crew

Adele finds a lovely fossil

Astrid and Amber excited about blackboards and fossils

Astrid’s whiteboard of the day

Possible vert


Amber carries a bucket.