Sunday 14 September 2008

Plans for the 2008/2009 Field Season

Hi Team,
I may not have blogged for a while, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy planning for this summer!
We're finalising dates for an "Eric the Crayfish" Otway trip in the first week in December.

We're busy checking everything for Inverloch 2009.
Crew members will be pleased to learn that we have secured the Lavington St property for another year, and the dig is almost certainly going to be from 1 Feb to 28 Feb (a 4 week field season).
We're planning to return to the popular "Popcorn of the Cretaceous" T-shirt design, and are having a healthy debate about colours.
We're likely to concentrate on "Bridge East" and John has designed a new "retaining wall" system. I look forward to posting some pictures in February!

Rookies Information day is pencilled in for 25 October.

Friends' Info Day

Pencil 18th October in your diaries for Friends Information Day.
Those of you not Friends of Dinosaur Dreaming can join at