Friday 18 February 2011

Dig update

Hi Team,
We're just about at the end of week 2, and the tides are getting less friendly to digging at the beach.  The "Engineering crew" removing overburden at Far East have been working themselves ragged each day - some of them have been too tired to shower even (they know who they are!)
Speaking of showers, it is becoming slowly and increasing obvious that we should really think about a shower roster since if we try to run both showers at once, or a shower and the pump-cleaning hose, or a shower and the kitchen tap, or a shower whilst anyone flushes after a call of nature, there is a bit of waiting around hopefully dripping.  Perhaps some sort of system is in order...
Paul Smith is helping look after the equipment the week, and has moved into the downstairs bedroom and taken the name "John-Paul" in honour of his predecessor (seriously, he's doing a great job considering the suddenness of the request and the short "one-handed" skills transfer session - but don't tell him that!).
We've finally found a few more fossils on the beach - I wrapped 19 yesterday (not counting the probable tibia that was too big to wrap).  It's been a bit of a slog to get to the good layer and the crew has been complaining bitterly about the quality of the rock.  The crew is likely to still complain bitterly about the rock, since that is one of the main forms of entertainment on the dig, but hopefully from now on with less cause.
The weather predictions have been for rain and storms, but so far the weather's been pretty good - one cancelled beach day and one mad scurry off the beach ahead of the storm clouds.  Else we've been lucky and even sneaking in a few swim o'clocks.

1 comment:

  1. stick at it guys, sounds lke a bit off an adventure!!We need you guys to discover more australian history for it and your determination is appreciated to the future!!
