This year, we were especially careful to make sure that we were able to assign a bucket number to each fossil found. Which left us with a problem to solve: how do we make sure that the rocks left unprocessed at the end of the dig don't get mixed in together? We know that if we left them in their buckets in Lesley's shed, they would not stay that way for long.
The answer? Store the contents of each bucket in a separate sandbag! Amber and Corrie labelled each sandbag (with lovely new metal labels we bought from the gardening department of the hardware store) and each tray (with the cloth tape labels we used at site) and stacked them in the shed, where they should remain safe and separate until our next rock-breaking session.
And look - they even stacked them in reverse date order so we will process the oldest ones first!
Sandbags for each "bucket" - photo by Amber |